Aims and objectives

The aims of the project are:

  1. To build the capacity of Mongolian higher education in the area of environment and engineering via transferring knowledge of European HEI’s. The area is of tremendous importance to the partner country as extreme environmental pollution, triggered by poor urban planning and lack of thermal energy needed in continental climate, has been affecting the well-beings of more than a half of the Mongolian population. The project aims to contribute to the development of the partner country by building the capacity of HE in terms of curricula development and the staff development so that the country can prepare competent professionals to deal with the problem of pollution.
  2. Specifically, the project aims to build the national capacity in the area of energy efficiency buildings. In Mongolian context, a traditional building concept familiar to Europeans must also be extended to Mongolian traditional housing units, i.e. gers. As a result of the project, the HE sector in Mongolia should possess a capacity to teach, train, research, and develop sustainable solutions in the area energy efficient buildings.

The specific objectives of the project are to:

  1. Develop/revise and enhance new Higher Education programs (Master and Bachelor)/existing courses on Energy Efficient Building and Renewable Energy.
  2. Develop the relevant didactics methods, instructional documents and tools, including possibly digital teaching-learning tools/methods
  3. Support faculty development and establish faculty cooperation and knowledge sharing network amongst the partner HEI’s
  4. Establish faculty/student exchange programs to support internationalization of the partner HEI’s
  5. Develop of laboratory facilities amongst the Partner universities
  6. Develop training programs for engineers already working in the industry (building design, construction, and maintenance).